Just a Body In a Room

Let’s nitpick everything to smithereens. Strike that; let’s nitpick them to smithereens.
December 11, 2009, 4:10 pm
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Ya know that feeling you get after one too many drinks or maybe a ride on the tilt o’ whirl? Well, I got that same feeling watching the news today.

I’ve heard more about Obama these past couple of days in Germany than I have in the past few months. This could be because I was practically in the dark to the rest of the world while I was at school or it could be because the Germans really like him. I’d have to say it’s probably a combination of the two. Now, the issue I have with this is that the majority of the news I’ve seen about him has involved the Nobel Prize business or about the fucking book signing. If you haven’t seen or heard about the “book signing”, allow me to enlighten you.

Obama was at a book signing. I couldn’t specify which because toward the beginning I ignored the specifics of said event. However, the play-by-play caught my eye. Obama was signing a book, wrote a little extra than expected, and Michelle Obama said, practically verbatim, “writing a book there, hun?”. Afterward, she wanted to sign, he agreed it’d be a good idea, and she jokingly said she promised it would be shorter than what he wrote.

Why is that news worthy. Not because it shows the rest of the world that he’s a selfish bastard that wouldn’t permit his inferior woman to sign a book, I’ll tell you why.

BECAUSE PEOPLE ARE FUCKING MORONIC. What Britney’s doing to her new do is what’s in, not the genocide in Darfur. The latest diet trends of the stars is what sells better than the extraordinary species clinging on to their last thread of life. (Why are they practically dead? Because we fucking killed them all.) We don’t want to hear about animals. We don’t care about them.

It could just be that I’ve become irritable as time has progressed, or maybe too passionate about things that “don’t matter”. Or maybe it’s always been this way, and I’ve forgotten what the news entails.

I’m sure of one thing, though. I will not be flipping to CNN or Fox next time I decide to watch something besides a film.

While I’m on the topic, I’d just like to add one thing. Anybody who’s bitter about Obama’s winning of the Nobel Peace Prize should be punched. Did he nominate himself? Did he have control of his victory? Have you seen his speech? Does this hinder you, or anything for that matter, in any way shape or form?

Lastly, since this is my blog, I’d just like to wrap up with my feelings on politics in general.

Too many people follow blindly, spit ignorant claims, and want to stand on a cracked foundation. I’m not only referring to politicians, my readers. I may not know everything about politics, but I know enough. Democracy was a good idea, but we’re only lemmings.  They listen to their neighbors and their friends, and only them. They listen to their news stations, and only their news stations.I know better than to listen to only what I’m told.

Like every other existence ruling matter, too many people are mindless.

If you ask me…
November 26, 2009, 1:45 am
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I love surveys for multiple reasons. One, they ask questions that the mind doesn’t normally concoct, and two, they give you a time for self-reflection, to really think about how you feel on a topic. It’s all too often that words are spat without much thought behind them, and these types of questions open such a wide window to somebody’s mind.

There are a few questions I’ve come across that I find particularly interesting, show a lot about a person’s character, or could be questions that you’re glad to have the answer to although you’d never thing to ask.

So here is where I bare my soul to you…

1.   What are some of the most important lessons you’ve learned about pain in your life?

Whatever hurts the most will be the most beneficial. It relates to every single situation. You don’t learn from success, you learn from failure, from heartache. Pain is one of the strongest feelings you can experience, especially if it’s emotional. And it’s those pains that absolutely fascinate me. Take love for example, people experience the highest highs and the lowest lows, and yet, they keep coming back for more. Pain makes the great times great.

2.   What risks have you taken in your life, have you avoided any?

I take a risk every second of every day, and it’s silly because the only ones that I avoid are the ones that can’t actually hurt me. I just can’t bring myself to be openly forward to somebody I’m infatuated with. Funny how things work.

3.   What sound or noise do you love?

What first came to mind: the sound of a creek, birds, stomach grumbles, hair being brushed, and apple ingestion.

4.   What profession, other than your own/your goal, would you like to attempt?

I seriously considered forensic pathology and psychology. I would also love to do something with children, whether it be a teacher or a social worker.

5.   Are you a touchy feely person?

One of the biggest ball busters in college is (depending on your situation) that hugs aren’t a regular occurrence. At home, my mom and sister are always hugging me or smothering me in some manner. Then when I got to college, I got maybe a hug every week or so. (This was the case at the beginning of the quarter. Since then, I’ve shared my pain and my sweet roommate/best friend Gillie has vowed to hug me at least once a day. Tia also contributes generously and I couldn’t be more thankful. I’ve also become more open with my affection and put other’s securities aside.) To sum up, yes. I always love a hug.

6.   Every come close to death?

Yes. Need I say more?

7.   If money were not an object, what would you do with your life?

To be honest, I would live homeless. Nothing would be more fulfilling than traveling without a care in the world. With homes and possessions comes responsibility and worry. You worry about it’s condition and how it compares. Keep your pool and Gucci purse, give me only the necessities. I want nothing more than a chance to experience/learn every single thing I can get my hands on.

8.   If you could be a bird, which would you choose to be?

A hummingbird or a hawk. So different yes, but both equally as fascinating. One’s heartbeat is enough to leave me speechless, and the other is so majestic, how could you not fantasize about a role reversal?

9.   Which do you prefer, giving or receiving?

Lol. In all seriousness though, giving. I would trade receiving a dress or purse with giving one any day. This sort of ties into my passion for random acts of kindness. If you’ve ever experienced a really random act of kindness you know how absolutely phenomenal it feels. Knowing that you could be the cause of that is even more rewarding.

10.   What turns you on creatively, spiritually, or emotionally?

Creatively: Talent driven by passion. When somebody’s so driven by their love for something that they truly shine above the rest… damn. I have the utmost respect for someone who’s great at what they do, and they’re the fucking best at it because of it.

Spiritually: An open mind/tolerance/general interest. All three are tied, because in my opinion, they all go hand in hand. The first two are pretty self explanatory, and the last is because if you have a general interest in religion or spirituality, I’d like to think that the other two follow. I’m strongly opinionated on the subject, so someone who I can talk and explore it with is at the top of my list.

Emotionally: Genuine sincerity. Truth prevails in my book, so when somebody’s genuine in their sincere actions, well, they couldn’t have done it better.Compassion and kindness are great and all, but if they’re not real, then they shouldn’t even exist.

11.   What turns you off?

Basically, the opposite of all three. I especially hate intolerance and untruths.

12.   What bores you? What never bores you?

Waiting for my food at a restaurant really, really bores me. I don’t know if it’s the excitement and anticipation, but I really hate it. Drawing never bores me, and it’s rare that conversation bores me. (Let me elaborate, real conversation never bores me, exchanging meaningless pleasantries are a waste of time.)

13.   What is your number one pet peeve?

Loud chewing, chewing with mouth open, loud/nasally breathing, and lies told to make oneself look “cooler”.

14.   What are your ambitions for life?

I’d like to be the same person that I look for. So, basically, remain true to myself and never get lost in the materialistic, political hubbub that all-too-often consumes us.

15.   If the whole world were listening, what would you say?


“Every 2 minutes, someone in the U.S. is sexually assaulted.”
November 25, 2009, 1:47 am
Filed under: Uncategorized | Tags: , , , ,

My next door neighbor is a sex offender. It’s likely that yours is too.

This evening I watched The Accused, starring Jodie Foster. It’s the story of a woman gang raped in a room filled with men instigating the event in the local bar. They pinned her down, covered her mouth, and took turns violating her.  And nobody did a damn thing to stop any of them.

The statistic in my headline is a legitimate number taken from the  RAINN. Rape, or sexual assault, is a subject we’re preached to about endlessly and even trained to defend against, but it’s impossible to really prepare for such an event. Imagine, for a moment, a man, any man. Now imagine for a moment that as he’s choking you, your arms are pinned by another man, you’re clothes are ripped and sobs muffled, and you are being penetrated. It is likely that you’ll contract an STD or become pregnant. Imagine how you’ll feel next time you’re on a date. Imagine what it’ll be like giving birth to that child that is a direct result of you’re worst nightmare. Imagine dying from AIDS because your assaulter was HIV positive.

  • 1 out of every 6 American women has been the victim of an attempted or completed rape in her lifetime (14.8% completed rape; 2.8% attempted rape).
  • 17.7 million American women have been victims of attempted or completed rape.
  • About 3% of American men — or 1 in 33 — have experienced an attempted or completed rape in their lifetime.
  • 15% of sexual assault and rape victims are under age 12.
  • Girls ages 16-19 are 4 times more likely than the general population to be victims of rape, attempted rape, or sexual assault.

As a result, the victims are:

3 times more likely to suffer from depression.

6 times more likely to suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder.

13 times more likely to abuse alcohol.

26 times more likely to abuse drugs.

4 times more likely to contemplate suicide.

Wanna know the sickest part??

15 of 16 perpetrators walk free.

(Every one of these statistics are based solely on the victims who actually report! 60% of sexual assaults are not reported.)

Why would I post such a “deranged” topic? Because it makes me fucking sick. These women and men could be your friends, your moms, dads, brothers, sisters… you.

I am a statistic, and right now, I am at the highest risk to be raped.

What I’m getting at is this…

If you were in a bar, the game room, surrounded by drunk peers, would you stop, or attempt to stop, the rape of a stranger?

Would you try to save them?… Would you try to save me?

Or would you turn your shoulder…